• ITB #2023-02 – Help Me Grow / Question-and-Answer

    ITB #2023-03 Help Me Grow

    • Question: Does the $5,000 affiliate fee to join Help Me Grow Florida include travel to the annual conference? Registration fees? Should all three staff members attend?
    • Answer: The affiliate fee does not include travel to the HMGF Annual Meeting. There is no registration fee for the HMGF Annual Meeting. In the contract, the state office requires that at least one staff member from each affiliate site attend. The affiliate fee includes: training and technical assistance; STAR start-up fee; STAR subscription fee; Brookes ASQ Enterprise (if needed); a designated amount of outreach materials.
    • Question: There was a mention of a possibility of extending by another year. Should we include an additional year in the budget?
    • Answer: Contracts are expected to begin July 1, 2023 and run through June 30, 2025 with an option for a one-year renewal through June 30, 2026. Include a two-year budget breakdown in your proposal.
    • Question: Does the Physician Champion have to be a practicing pediatrician or could it be a family physician or another type of physician interested in the work?
    • Answer: The physician champion can be any type of health care provider who is dedicated to advocating for Help Me Grow with other physicians and who will educate and motivate other health care providers to conduct systematic surveillance and screening of young children. The ideal Physician Champion has a background in developmental or behavioral medicine, along with strong connections to their local chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics and/or the Academy of Family Physicians and university medical schools.

    • Question: Is there a financial commitment to the Physicia Champion? What is their job?
    • Answer: There is not a financial commitment. Physician Champions work with providers on the Help Me Grow referral system, identifying training needs, convening quarterly perinatal and pediatric health care provider network meetings, and supporting systematic surveillance and screening of young children. Champions bring their voice and expertise to this work and help all families with young children thrive. The Help Me Grow Florida office described an ideal physician champion in this one-pager. Please also see this landing page for a list of physician champions affiliated with Help Me Grow affiliates across the state of Florida.

    • Question: If I have technical questions about using the SAMIS application portal, at ECT can I contact?
    • Answer: Click HERE to view the detailed, step-by-step application instructions for navigating SAMIS. Please email Richard Stone at rstone@escambiachildrenstrust.org if you encounter technical issues using SAMIS after consulting the instructions manual.

    • Question: My organization is interested in being a collaborative partner for the Help Me Grow ITB. Are we restricted to contacting one of the potential lead organizations or may we express our interest to be a subcontractor to each of the potential lead organizations and discuss how we could partner and what our role would be?
    • Answer: You are welcome to contact potential lead organizations to discuss collaboration and partnership ideas. There is no restriction in place. In fact, this is encouraged.

    • Question: Is there an example MOU with affiliates and the State Coordinating Office that can be posted online as an example?
    • Answer: Please see this example MOU with Help Me Grow Florida.

    • Question: Is the Help Me Grow Leadership Team under sunshine?
    • Answer: If there are members of the same sunshine board serving on the “leadership team,” all of their communications will fall under the sunshine. For example, if there are two members of ECT on the leadership team, they can only act in the sunshine. The meeting will need to be open, noticed, with minutes, etc.  But if there is one member of ECT and one member of Early Learning Coalition, for example, they are not members of the same board and would not be restricted by the sunshine based on their membership in other boards. In other words: Will there be multiple members from the same sunshine board? If so, then yes. If there will not be multiple members from the same sunshine board, then no.
    • Question: Besides the $5,000 initial fee to become an affiliate of Help Me Grow Florida, are there annual fees for affiliates that should be included in the budget for the second year?
    • Answer: The $5,000 fee is an annual fee. Please budget $5,000 annually to be an affiliate of Help Me Grow Florida.
    • Question: Are there baseline IT specifications needed for the operation of the STAR system?
    • Answer: There are no IT specifications needed for STAR. STAR is a web-based application and can be accessed using any up-to-date browser.
    • Question: Does Help Me Grow Florida still use the iPad program for placement of iPads in physician offices and other early childhood health care programs such as WIC offices, for the purpose of completing developmental screenings that are directly linked to the HMG database? If yes, are there additional costs that need to be budgeted for this program?
    • Answer: The iPad initiative is a strategy we use when engaging with physicians or other agencies. It’s not a requirement, but a recommended approach for partnership and engagement if that physician/agency is not yet providing screenings for their clients. Cost of iPads would need to be budgeted for.
    • Question: Is there information available from HMG Florida regarding expenses related to the Physician Champion(s) role with Help Me Grow? (materials, stipend for participation in marketing to other physicians, etc).
    • Answer: There should not be a financial commitment/stipend allocated to the Physician Champion for any reason. Any materials used by the Physician Champion should come from programmatic expenses for materials. Time spent being a Physican Champion should be considered in-kind.
    • Question: For the budget, can we give the 15% indirect costs to the subcontractors as well?
    • Answer: 15% is the maximum allowable indirect cost allowed by ECT. Subcontractor budgets can include indirect costs. If your agency has an indirect cost rate agreement, please use that amount, up to the allowable 15%.
    • Question: For the budget, do we list subcontractors’ expense as a single line item or do we need to provide details?
    • Answer: In SAMIS, you must list each subcontract separately as a single line item with a brief budget justification for each. You will have an opportunity to provide additional detail in the subcontractor section, including the ability to upload detailed budgets, budget explanations, and MOUs, agreements, draft contracts, etc.
    • Question: Is there a budget variance allowance among budget categories? If costs are less than anticipated in year one, can the balance roll over to the second year for projects to address needs or gaps identified by the HMG Leadership Team? 
    • Answer: Providers can request a budget amendment but there is no guarantee it will be approved. A budget amendment cannot change the scope of services. If ECT approves the amendment, the agency will receive an updated approved budget and reimbursement request form, and then the agency will be allowed to move budgeted funds to the requested categories. Balances will not be carried over to the second year; budget requests for the second year will be considered based on provider performance and outcomes as set forth in the contract.
  • Strategic Planning ITB

    Strategic Planning Facilitation ITB
    Q & A

    • Question: Should we consider the current strategic plan as a starting point, or plan to start from scratch?
    • Answer: While you should be familiar with the current plan, you may start from scratch – keeping in mind that the projects funded under this year’s plan will be continuing for the next 2-3 years. You do not have to follow the same format of the current plan.
    • Question: What do you mean by Town Halls? Are these presentations to celebrate and share the plan? Or are these looking for community feedback prior to Board approval?
    • Answer: The Town Hall sessions are intended to engage the community in setting our strategic priorities for the next three years. We have a Needs Assessment that lays out the issues of highest concern in our community along with 24 baseline indicators. We sought community input to determine the highest needs. We now want to get community input to identify which of those needs we should tackle next.
    • Question: Can you please clarify what you mean by “Develop alternatives for consideration by the Board in order to arrive at a final strategic plan?
    • Answer: This was included in the ITB to ensure that the selected provider is prepared to work closely with the Board and offer options for any components the Board wishes to change as the plan is developed. We want the final strategic plan to be a result of two-way communication throughout the process.
  • Agency Documentation – Document List / Question-and-Answer

    Agency Documentation List
    scroll down to Q&A at the bottom of the list

    As part of the Grants Committee’s review process, the Escambia Children’s Trust must have the following documents on file. 

    • Document 1 – IRS 501(c)3 determination letter (if applicable)
    • Document 2 – State of Florida annual report from Sunbiz (NGOs only)
    • Document 3 – List of current board members with contact information
    • Document 4 – (two parts)
      • Part A: Submit most recent approved organizational budget
      • Part B: Choose one of the following as appropriate to your agency 
        • For proposers receiving annual contributions of $1 million or more: Upload three most recent years of audited financial statement summaries and disclosures to include internal control reports and any accompanying management letters, OR individual tax returns and personal financial statement of net worth for the most recent year if Proposer is an individual proprietor.  Privately held companies wishing to maintain confidential financial information must have Dunn & Bradstreet Reports (D&B).  If any of these statements include a material weakness or significant deficiency, include a letter of explanation.
        • For proposers with annual contributions of at least $500,000 but less than $1 million: Upload three most recent financial statements reviewed or audited by an independent CPA.
        • For proposers with less than $500,000 in annual contributions: Upload three most recent 990s, compilations, audits, or reviews of financial statements.
    • Document 5 – MOU’s, contracts or agreements for all proposed subcontracts.
      ​​Subcontractor MOU Checklist:
      • Is there a clear description of how the contracting entity (agency) and subcontracting entity relate to one another?
      • Are the commencement/renewal time period(s) clearly defined?
      • Is there a clear description of services to be provided?
      • Are the costs of the services clearly stated?
      • Is there clear explanation how payment is to be made and by when?
      • Is the information required on invoices and requirements for other backup documentation to make payment clearly outlined?
      • Are conditions of termination described (the subcontractor must be terminable at any time, for any reason)?
      • Is program monitoring described and sufficient to ensure delivery of quality services as outlined in the subcontract?
      • Are the terms for confidentiality outlined and do they align with the terms as defined in the ECT agreement?
      • Are the full Public Records requirements included as defined in the ECT agreement?
      • Are special situations and incidents addressed and do they include the “when,” “how,” and “to whom” to report incidents?
      • Are there requirements outlined for Background Screening as defined in the ECT agreement?
      • Are insurance requirements included in the subcontract or does your agency insurance cover the subcontractors service delivery?
    • Document 6 – Line-item budgets for all proposed subcontracts
    • Document 7 – Corrective-Action or Performance Improvement Plan reports if your agency had a grant contract terminated OR your agency has been placed on any corrective action or performance improvement plan in the last 3 years from any funders.
      • With this documentation, include a response on how your agency has addressed or is addressing the deficiencies (if applicable)
    • Document 8 – If your agency has been a defendant in any litigation or regulatory action in the last 3 years, OR your agency has been a plaintiff in a bankruptcy, provide a brief explanation for each instance (if applicable)
    • Document 9 – (two documents; files can be merged or uploaded separately)
      • Most recent balance sheet AND
      • Profit and loss/revenue and expense statement 
    • Document 10 – Certificate of Insurance (COI) – please upload current insurance documentation 
      *Please note: If you are selected for funding, this language from RFP #2022-03 is in effect:  “the Proposer shall furnish a Certificate of Insurance, naming the Escambia Children’s Trust as an additional insured with respect to the Commercial General Liability of at least $1,000,000 each, no later than ten (10) days after award and prior to execution of Statement of work. The successful Proposer(s) shall comply with the following insurance requirements: 
      • Commercial General Liability, Required $1,000,000 per occurrence.
      • Workers’ Compensation Insurance limits per applicable state statute. Required if Proposer has employees engaged in the performance of work under this Agreement.”

    Question-and-Answer: Agency Documentation

    • Question: May we send only one representative in person to answer questions at this meeting? May we send additional people, especially to represent our partners? Or are those individuals allowed to attend via Zoom? May we have multiple representatives attend the Grants Committee meeting to answer questions? Thank you for the clarification.
    • Answer: You may have multiple representatives available on the Zoom call to answer questions during your allotted time. Agendas for each Grants Committee meeting will be posted at least 7 days in advance on our ECT meetings page. Each agenda will include specific timeblocks in which individual proposers will be considered.
    • Question: Are there any guidelines available indicating specifically what the trust would like to see in MOUs between proposers and their subcontractors?
    • Answer: The items we will look for in an MOU are listed above under Document 5. We will share this with all applicants in the public Q&A to be sure everyone has this information.
    • Question: Are we to prepare the requested documentation solely on our organization as the main proposer, or should we prepare documentation (IRS determination, board of directors, financials, etc.) for our subcontractors also?
    • Answer: Please include the documentation for subcontractors too. We would need that prior to any contract execution.
    • Question: The ECT Board of Directors won’t be meeting until February 14. Should we adjust our budget and grant cycle to accomodate the change in dosage?
    • Answer: At this time you don’t need to resubmit your budget or program narrative. If asked by Grants Committee members, however, you may want to be ready to describe how a new start date (e.g., April 1 instead of January 1) might affect the scope of services you proposed in your original application.
    • Question: Document 7 – Would this be for the program we are requesting funding for from the ECT or are you asking for agency-wide? Or regionwide? Or Escambia County? 
    • Answer: Please include documentation for all programs run out of your agency’s footprint. In other words, programs under your supervision.
    • Question: Document 7 – When you say PIP or Corrective Action are you referring to quality, financial or non-compliance to contract? Or all? 
    • Answer: We need all PIP/Corrective Action plans. Our Board has directed us to vet all applicants as part of the application process rather than as part of the contracting process. We are required to ask all agencies for the same documentation.
    • Question: Document 7 – Some funders may not want this information released as they consider it private and part of their agency. What would we do in this case?
    • Answer: If any of your funders do not wish to have this information released, please let us know that you have a plan in place but that it cannot be shared. Alternately, if the funder restricts communication on this issue, you can ask the funder to send an email confirming your agency is in good standing.
    • Question: Are all 29 nonprofits being asked for the same documentation? 
    • Answer: Yes, all 29 applicants are being asked to submit the same documentation. Each batch of agencies being considered during the four Grants Committee meetings will have the same 2-week deadline to upload their documents.
    • Question: Is there a formal addendum to the RFP being released that we need to know about?
    • Answer: No. This step is part of the proposal review process, so no addendum is needed.
    • Question: Documents 5 and 6 – There is documentation request for MOU with subcontractors. What is this referring to exactly? A subcontractor is generally someone that is contracted with to perform a service. We do not subcontract out any of our work. However, ECT could be asking for MOU agreements with organizations that a nonprofit might be partnering with.  I’m looking for the clarification in the ask. 
    • Answer: Uploading documents for #5 and #6 are applicable only if you included a subcontract in your proposal and budget for a provider to be paid with ECT funds through a sub-contractual agreement. If it does not apply to your proposal, you are not required to submit an MOU.
    • Question: Document 10 – (Part A of Question) My question is in regards to the statement in the RFP regarding a certificate of insurance. Is this “document request” being asked as proof that we can meet the requirement should we be awarded? 
    • Answer: Yes
    • Question: Document 10 – (Part B of Question) Is the insurance requirement officially changing as laid out in the RFP?
    • Answer: No
    • Question: Document 10 – (Part C of Question) I’m just a little confused since it seems to be inconsistent. If the ask is for a Certificate of Insurance before award, are there other items and requirements in the RFP that are changing that we need to prepare for?
    • Answer: We are requesting a COI with your current insurance limits shown to confirm that you have insurance currently. If selected for funding, you will be required to submit a COI with the required limits as per the RFP. There is no change in the RFP; this step is required as part of the review process.
    • Question: Why are we being “reconsidered” if we were passed the first time?  
    • Answer: The providers originally recommended for funding are not being “reconsidered.” In accordance with ECT policy, the Board tasked the Grants Committee with further evaluation of the proposals to include provider interviews and due diligence with regard to certain document review. The document review will expedite the contract process once the Board approves the final funding recommendations.
    • Question: I heard in the meeting recording that there were questions about my agency (agency location, agency service footprint, whether agency is a for-profit or nonprofit, etc). I’m surprised that if there was an issue, why would someone not reach out to clarify?
    • Answer: The Grants Committee and ECT staff were, and still are, within the Cone of Silence for the procurement. We are not allowed to reach out for clarification. If the Grant Committee has questions, they may ask them during the interviews.
    • Question: We have an update about our agency (agency location has changed, agency staff has changed, etc). How should I make all parties aware of this so I’m not penalized in the next review?
    • Answer: You may mention this during your interview with the Grants Committee. ECT has noted your change in our systems.
    • Question: In the memo, there is mention that reviewers will participate in additional training to create consistency in following the score sheet provided in the review. I’m extremely concerned how a “zero” could have been given out. We still passed and we did meet the requirements as laid out in the scoring metric. So how could a “zero” even be allowed? That seems like there is something personal being held against us. Can you provide feedback on this? 
    • Answer: All reviewers were asked to disclose any relationships or conflicts with the applicant agencies, so any possible bias could be exposed and explored prior to rating the proposals. No reviewer indicated any negative bias against any proposer. The Grants Committee members were given training prior to the initial scoring and will be given additional training regarding the interview process. While ECT staff understand your concern regarding a zero score, reviewers are allowed to score proposals as they wish. You may watch the recording of the meeting to determine whether or not there is any additional information related to any particular score. You are also encouraged to read the reviewers’ comments for more information. The recording and scores are all the information staff has.
    • Question: If we have clarifying questions on the documentation ask, who should we direct these to? 
    • Answer: Please direct any clarifying questions to the main email account for the Trust: info@escambiachildrenstrust.org. Questions will be answered in the order received. All questions and responses will be posted on this documentation Q&A page.
    • Question: I have two questions regarding the re-submission of details for the Out-of-School Time RFP. (1) Are we just submitting the new budget or should we re-submit the entire proposal wherein we correct references to construction and renovation? (2) What is the deadline for re-submission?
    • Answers: (1) Please resubmit only a new budget, omitting the construction and renovation line items. (2) The deadline for resubmission is February 1, 2023, at 5 p.m. CST.
    • Question: If our grant is approved, when is the earliest we can begin our program?
    • Answer: Please use this estimated timeline in your planning efforts. The Grants Committee’s recommendations will be considered and voted on by the ECT Board of Directors at the regular board meeting on February 14. If the board takes action authorizing staff to enter into contract negotiations with specific providers, those contract negotiations will begin that week. Once contracts are signed and in effect, services can begin on the day the contract starts. We anticipate contract negotiations lasting 2-4 weeks. Proposers should prepare for contracted services to begin between March 15 and April 1, although this is not a guarantee and contract negotiations could take longer.
    • Question: Is reimbursement retroactive to our start date?
    • Answer: Unfortunately, reimbursements cannot be made for any services provided or costs incurred prior to the execution of a contract with the Trust.
    • Question: Can we increase the amount of students that we intend to service? Can we increase our enrollment from the projected proposal numbers knowing that this will impact (increase) how much we ask for in reimbursement for particular line items on our budget?
    • Answer: No. The only budget changes allowed are those specifically requested by the Grants Committee or Trust Board (e.g., construction or renovation costs).
    • Question: Document 5 – Our MOU is being reviewed by our legal department, which is part of our process where our MOUs have to go through several layers of approval. At best I can have the MOU approved by February, March at the latest. Will that be any issue?
    • Answer: We understand that will be the situation for some agencies. In your documents folder, please upload the draft MOU clearly labeled as “Draft – Pending Legal Review.”
    • Question: Are we able to submit monthly bills for reimbursements? We would like to clarify that costs are reimbursable upon expenditure and what the timeline for reimbursement will be.
    • Answer: Yes, once you have an executed contract, you may submit monthly invoices for reimbursement. Approved, budgeted expenses backed up by appropriate documentation will be reimbursed within 30 days. We are in the process of setting up our online portal for reimbursement requests and systems to process ACH electronic payments. Those capabilities are not yet in place, so we may rely on email submissions and paper check payments for a bit while we get everything in place. We vow to do everything we can to process invoices for reimbursement as quickly as possible – especially for agencies that indicate cash flow challenges. Our goal is to help make your programs successful and to get funding to you as quickly and painlessly as we can.
    • Please see timeline answer above.
    • Question: The only question I have is on the MOUs. We are providing programs at other venues (Boys and Girls Club, YMCA, City) and have drafted a simple agreement form. All tentatively agreed to the contents, but we didn’t officially sign them. There is no financial arrangement (we are not providing funds to them, just programming). Do I still need to get executed MOUs from each?
    • Answer: Yes, you will need an MOU/LOA for each partner outlining the arrangement (i.e., use of their space, access to students/parents, etc.) so there is something formal in place to document the agreement. These agreements serve as assurances that you will be able to deliver the funded services as proposed. You do not need to have executed agreements prior to funding, but please submit the draft MOUs.
    • Question: Our legal department is asking what the parameters are for “Full Public Records requirements as defined in the ECT agreement.” How do we handle this item on the checklist?
    • Answer: Since ECT is a special district of local government, everything that is done with our funding (i.e., local tax dollars) is public record. All contracts and subcontracts must acknowledge that the provider will comply with Chapter 119 F.S. – Public Records.
  • Searching for New Board Members

    Wanted: Citizens to Serve on our Board of Directors

    We are currently seeking applications from county residents to serve on the Escambia Children’s Trust oversight board. We have two seats opening due to Pastor Lonnie Wesley III and Dr. Rex Northup’s terms expiring on December 31, 2022.  

    Please help us spread the word about this exciting board leadership opportunity. The application consists of completing an application, a questionnaire for Gubernatorial Appointments, and submitting an optional resume. The Escambia County Board of County Commissioners will consider applications and forward selected applicants to the governor for consideration. The new deadline is December 29. Click here to learn more and apply today! 

  • OST Grants Committee

    Announcing Grants Committee Members for the Out-of-School-Time RFP

    At its board meeting on October 11, 2022, the Escambia Children’s Trust Board of DIrectors approved the following local subject-matter experts to participate in the Grants Committee for out-of-school time proposals: Samuel R. Mathews, Ph.D.; Lynsey R. Listau, Ed.D.; Suzanne Ryals, M.Ed.; and Carmen Powe, M.Psy. Resumes and CVs for Dr. Mathews, Dr. Listau, Ms. Ryals and Ms. Powe are available in the October 11, 2022 meeting packet, beginning on page 116.

    In addition to the four citizen reviewers, four ECT Board members will serve on the OST Grants Committee, for a total of eight members. The four board members include Stephanie White, Tori Woods, Melissa Sidoti and Patty Hightower.

    Using the scoring matrix included in the OST RFP, linked below, reviewers will assess the soundness and completeness of each proposal as well as the proposer’s capacity to effectively deliver what is proposed. After individual reviewers have independently reviewed and scored proposals, the Grants Committee will convene on Monday, November 28 at 3:30 p.m. in a publicly noticed meeting to discuss each proposal and record each reviewer’s rating, including explanatory comments. Proposers may attend the public Grants Committee meeting as observers. Cumulative scores will be recorded for each proposal, and proposals will be ranked according to scores. The Grants Committee will vote on the cut-off score and the list of proposals to be recommended for funding. Consideration will also be given to factors such as effective and economical distribution of funding across Escambia County and/or in underserved geographic areas/populations in Escambia County (if applicable) to address gaps in services while preventing duplication of services.

    Important Dates

    Release of ECT RFPSeptember 14, 2022
    RFP Information SessionSeptember 21, 2022
    Proposal Submission DeadlineNovember 4, 2022
    Grants Committee MeetingNovember 28, 2022
    Funding Recommendations to ECTDecember 13, 2022
    Board Anticipated Contract Start DateJanuary 1, 2023

  • Out-of-School Time Program RFP

    Out-of-School Time Program RFP

    The Escambia Children’s Trust is committed to supporting children and youth in preparing for a bright future. In service to that commitment, the ECT is seeking to build and support strong organizations that can provide children and youth with high-quality out-of-school-time (OST) programming.

    The ECT developed the Out-of-School Time Program RFP to enable local community-based preschool, afterschool and summer learning programs to provide the foundational skills and guidance that extend beyond academics, helping develop the whole young person—cognitively, socially, and emotionally.

    There is widespread consensus that high-quality preschool, afterschool, and summer learning programs help prepare students in pre-K-12th grade for success in school, college, career, and life. ECT’s strategy aims to build on this evidence base by providing opportunities that help all students, particularly those in underserved communities, thrive and become better prepared to complete high school and go on to pursue a college degree or vocational education. The aim of this RFP is to fulfill several urgent needs identified in ECT’s 2022 needs assessment, in particular the academic and attendance indicators addressed in Theme 2: Children are Ready to Succeed in School and Life and the indicators on youth mental health, addiction and violence addressed in Theme 4: Children Have Supports to Help Them Avoid Risky Behaviors.

    Ultimately, ECT seeks to offer low-income and underserved families a range of high-quality OST programs that meet a demonstrated need for positive youth development during the critical afterschool hours, summer breaks, and other times when school is not in session, including extended day programs for preschool-aged children

    View the full RFP that includes a detailed explanation of dates, deadlines, information, and any questions that you may have about the Out-of-School Time Program. Please contact info@escambiachildrenstrust.org if you have any questions. We look forward to receiving your proposal!

    Important Dates

    Release of ECT RFPSeptember 14, 2022
    RFP Information SessionSeptember 21, 2022
    Proposal Submission DeadlineNovember 4, 2022
    Grants Committee MeetingNovember 18, 2022
    Funding Recommendations to ECTDecember 13, 2022
    Board Anticipated Contract Start DateJanuary 1, 2023

    Use this document as a guide to assist in developing your project budget.

  • Back to School Events

    Upcoming Back-to-School Events

    The first day of school for Escambia County is on August 10th and the community is gearing up for it. The gallery below includes details about several upcoming back-to-school celebrations to get your kids ready for success. Free food, prizes, giveaways, and a lot of back-to-school fun awaits!

  • We Want to Hear from the Providers!

    We Want to Hear from the Providers!

    The Escambia Children’s Trust is hosting a community listening session at the Pensacola State College Warrington Campus on August 16th from 8 AM to 5 PM. We are inviting local providers, teachers, and youth services leaders to share their insights from working with the children of Escambia County.

    This is an all-day event that covers multiple topics based on issues that we have discovered from our findings. The event is broken into 4 parts:
    8 AM – 10 AM: Healthy Children and Mothers
    10 AM – 12 PM: Juvenile Justice Involves Youth
    1 PM – 3 PM: Child Abuse and Neglect
    3 PM – 5 PM: Success in School and Life

    Please feel free to drop in and stay as you please! We will also host the event via a Zoom meeting, so if you are unable to attend certain parts, join us on the video call. We are looking forward to hearing from everyone!

    Register on Eventbrite or Facebook.

    The Zoom meeting will not be available until 8 AM on August 16th.

  • Public Education & Outreach Campaign RFP

    Public Education & Outreach Campaign RFP

    The Escambia Children’s Trust invites proposals for the creative development and placement of print, video, digital, and/or social media content to support the two education and outreach campaigns described below and to encourage engagement of the target audiences. 

    ECT seeks a public awareness and education campaign targeting current and future parents and other caregivers raising children (from prenatal to age 18) in Escambia County. The goal for this universal campaign is to provide information to parents/caregivers to help them raise healthy and safe children; build awareness of local resources and how to access them; and increase parent and community engagement with related programs and services. ECT is looking for creative and innovative approaches to reach new audiences, particularly among communities that are difficult to penetrate. 

    1. Strategies to keep children safe around water and resources to obtain swim lessons, including a directory of lessons offered at no or reduced costs for low-income families across the county. 
    2. The importance of formal early childhood education to include messaging regarding brain development and positive interaction with infants and toddlers; this campaign should also stress that early childhood educators are professional educators whose roles go beyond ‘babysitting.’ 

    The document below includes a detailed explanation of dates, deadlines, information, and any questions that you may have about the Public Education and Outreach Campaign. Please contact info@escambiachildrenstrust.org if you have any questions. We look forward to receiving your proposal!

    Important Dates

    ​Release of ECT RFPJune 16, 2022
    Proposal Submission DeadlineJuly 27, 2022
    Grants Committee MeetingAugust 5, 2022
    Funding Recommendations to ECT BoardAugust 9, 2022
    Anticipated Contract Start DateSeptember 1, 2022
    Group of kindergarten kids sitting and smiling

  • Kindergarten Summer Bridge RFP

    The Escambia Children’s Trust invites local providers of high-quality early learning services to apply for funding to design, implement, and operate a summer bridge program for the children that will be entering kindergarten for the first time in August of 2022 and who are unprepared/underprepared for kindergarten; have not previously attended an early learning program or VPK; or have a diagnosed developmental delay.

    The goal of the Kindergarten Summer Bridge Program is to introduce children to a formal early education setting to help prepare them for their first day of kindergarten!

    Completed RFP submissions are due on June 8th, 2022 at 3 PM CST. We hosted an optional information session about the RFP process on May 18th, 2022 at the Brownsville Community Center. You can find the full information session video below along with questions that attendees asked.

    The document below is a detailed explanation of dates, deadlines, information, and any questions that you may have about the Kindergarten Summer Bridge Program. Please contact info@escambiachildrenstrust.org or watch the info session by clicking the button below if you have any questions. We look forward to receiving your proposal!

    Watch the full Information Session here:

    View questions that were asked by members of the public here:

    Important Dates

    ​Release of ECT RFPMay 11, 2022
    RFP Information SessionMay 18, 2022
    Proposal Submission DeadlineJune 8, 2022
    Grants Committee MeetingJune 13, 2022
    Funding Recommendations to ECT BoardJune 14, 2022
    Anticipated Contract Start DateJuly 1, 2022
    A group of small nursery school children sitting on floor indoors in classroom, clapping.